Introduction to Electrical Engineering


CTSEET is the documentation website for courses offered by Dr. M. E. AlSharidah. It records all course descriptions, learning outcomes, objectives, syllabus, and notes.

70-110: Introduction to Electrical Engineering

1. Syllabus, outline , and guidelines

The basics of electrical engineering are introduced in this fundamental course including the principles of voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, power and energy. In addition, the student is expected to identify, analyse [KVL, KCL] and solve series and parallel resistive circuits. The principal of capacitance and inductance are laid out including its function, and the equivalent series/parallel combinations. The student is introduced to the concept of impedance and sinusoidal waveforms including phasor notation. Finally, the power triangle (S,P,Q) principal is introduced along with the concept of power factor for single and three phase circuits.

1.1. Course Objectives

The following is a list of per-lecture expected performace criteria and learning objectives. The Student should use this guide to assess his progress in the course.

  1. Understand the concept of potential difference (voltage) and charge motion (current).
    1. Understand the atom structure.
    2. Differentiate between proton and electron charges.
    3. Calculate the electric current in terms of the charge .
    4. Calculate the electrical voltage .
    5. Understand the concept of the potential difference.
    6. Calculate the power and energy.
  2. Calculate resistance of different types of materials.
    1. Understand the meaning of specific resistance.
    2. Understand the effect of the length and cross section area on the resistance.
    3. Calculate the resistance of different electrical wires.
    4. Calculate the resistance at different temperature (Temperature effect).
  3. Identify color coding of resistors.
    1. Understand the color coding system.
    2. Define the resistor value using the color code.
  4. Calculate current, voltage, power, energy, and efficiency of resistive circuits.
    1. Understand ohm's Law.
    2. Apply ohm's Law to simple resistive circuit.
    3. Calculate the power & energy in resistive circuits.
    4. Calculate the efficiency of simple resistive loads.
  5. Apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law (series circuit) and Kirchhoff’s current law (parallel circuits).
    1. Identify a series and parallel resistive circuit containing a multiple number of resistors.
    2. Solve circuits using KVL to obtain unknown values in series and parallel circuit.
    3. Solve circuits using KCL to obtain unknown values in series and parallel circuit.
  6. Analyze DC series parallel circuits.
    1. Apply the concept of equivalent resistance.
    2. Solve combined series parallel circuits using equivalent resistance and Ohm's Law.
    3. Solve series parallel circuits using KVL to obtain unknown values in series and parallel circuit.
    4. Solve series parallel circuits using KCL to obtain unknown values in series and parallel circuit.
    5. Use basic laboratory measurement equipment including the power supplies, digital multimeters, function generators, and oscilloscopes to conduct experiments.
    6. Apply current divider rule to solve for unknown values in parallel branches.
  7. Understand sinusoidal waveforms and phasors notation.
    1. Recognize the most common AC voltage sources.
    2. Calculate the relationship between frequency and period for a complete AC cycle.
    3. Understand the different representation of wave forms (Sinusoidal-Rectangular-Polar).
    4. Convert the sinusoidal expression to rectangular and polar forms.
    5. Convert values between peak, peak to peak and RMS for sine wave voltages.
    6. Use basic laboratory measurement equipment including the power supplies, digital multimeters, function generators, and oscilloscopes to conduct experiments.
  8. Understand the concept of inductive & capacitive reactance and calculate series parallel reactance equivalence.
    1. Calculate the resistance, capacitive and inductive reactance of a capacitor and inductor.
    2. Understand why capacitor or inductor causes a phase shift between voltage and current.
    3. Calculate the series reactance equivalence.
    4. Calculate the parallel reactance equivalence.
    5. Use basic laboratory measurement equipment including the power supplies, digital multimeters, function generators, and oscilloscopes to conduct experiments.
  9. Comprehend the concept of impedance in electrical circuits.
    1. Calculate the impedance of series circuit.
    2. Calculate the impedance of parallel circuit.
    3. Calculate the impedance of series-parallel circuit.
    4. Apply Ohm's Law to series R, C or L circuits with AC sources.
  10. Calculate active, reactive, apparent powers, and power factor in single and three phase circuits.
    1. Calculate the active, reactive and apparent power in single phase circuits.
    2. Understand the concept of three phase power.
    3. Calculate the active, reactive and apparent power in three phase circuits.
    4. Calculate the power factor of different electrical circuit.
    5. Differentiate between lag, lead and unity power factors.

1.2. Grades & Regulations - الدرجات و الاشتراطات

70-110: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1

% Category Notes
10 Atendance/Activity 2.5% will be deducted for every 4hrs absense
40 Homework late penalty: 5% will deducted for every hour
20 Midterm 6-8 problem type questions 
30 Final Exam 8-10 problem type questions

Important dates:

Event Date
Course starts Sun 2024-09-16
Last day of classes Thu 2024-12-19
Course ends Tue 2025-01-09

Assessment Date Topic
Quiz 1 Tue/Wed 2024-10-01/02 CH2/Ch3
Quiz 2 Tue/Wed 2024-10-08/09 Ch4/Ch5
Quiz 3 Tue/Wed 2024-10-15/16 Ch6/Ch7
Midterm Exam 1 Mon 2024-10-23 Ch2-Ch7
Quiz 4 Tue/Wed 2024-10-29/30 Ch13
Quiz 5 Tue/Wed 2024-11-05/06 Ch14/Ch15
Quiz 6 Tue/Wed 2024-11-12/13 Ch16/Ch19
Midterm Exam 2 Mon 2024-11-19/20 Ch13-16 & Ch19
Quiz 7 Tue/Wed 2024-11-26/27 Bonus/Make-up

Attendance and Absence:

  1. Commitment to attendance is required, and absences must not exceed 12 hours to avoid being barred from the course.
  2. Every 4 hours of absence will result in a 25% deduction from the attendance grade.
  3. Any medical excuse (official from the relevant authorities) must be submitted before the absence from the lecture, except in emergency cases.
  4. No medical excuse will be accepted unless it prevents you from attending class or accessing the Teams platform.
  5. Attendance will be recorded within the first 10 minutes of the lecture or the beginning of the meeting created for the lecture.

Assignment and Report Submission:

  1. Assignments and reports must be submitted according to the specified conditions and deadlines.
  2. Any delay in submitting assignments or reports will result in a 5% deduction from the grade for every hour of delay.
  3. All submitted assignments and reports must be the student's personal work and performance only.
  4. Plagiarism, copying, or cheating in assignments or reports, including purchasing assignments or reports, will result in failing the course.

Student Ethical Responsibility:

  1. The student is fully responsible for the course requirements and must work hard and diligently to pass the course with distinction.
  2. Passing or failing the course may determine the student's graduation date.
  3. Everything mentioned above is part of the student's responsibility, and they must bear the full consequences.

الحضور و الغياب:

  1. 1. الالتزام بالحضور وان لا يتعدى ١٢ ساعة غياب لتفادي الحرمان من المقرر.
  2. 2. كل غياب اربع ساعات سيترتب عليه خصم ٢٥٪ من درجة الغياب.
  3. 3. اي عذر طبي { رسمي من الجهات المختصة } يجب تسليمة قبل الغياب من المحاضرة ما عدى الحالات الطارئة.
  4. 4. لن يقبل اي عذر طبي لا يعوق دخولي على منصة تيمز.
  5. 5. الحضور سيسجل خلال اول عشر دقائق من بداية المحاضرة او من بداية انشاء الاجتماع للمحاضرة.

تسليم الواجبات والتقارير:

  1. 1. يجب تسليم الواجبات والتقارير حسب الشروط المطلوبة والموعد المحدد.
  2. 2. اي تاخير لتسليم الواجبات او التقارير سيترتب عليه خصم ٥٪ من الدرجة لكل ساعة تاخير عن الموعد.
  3. 3. يشترط ان تكون جميع الواجبات والتقارير المسلمة من عمل الطالب وادائه الشخصي فقط.
  4. 4. الاقتباس او النقل او الغش بالواجبات او التقارير المسلمة بما في ذلك شراء الواجبات او التقارير سيترتب عليه حرمان من النجاح في المقرر.

مسؤولية الطالب الادبية:

  1. 1. يتحمل الطالب كامل مسؤوليات ومتطلبات المقرر وان يعمل بجهد و اجتهاد لاجتياز المقرر بجدارة.
  2. 2. اجتياز المقرر او الرسوب فيه قد يحدد موعد التخرج.
  3. 3. كل ما سبق هو من مسؤولية الطالب الشخصية ويتحمل كامل اعبائها.

  1. Course presente by Dr. M. E. AlSharidah - 2024 

1.3. Reference chapters:

The following selected chapters give in depth explanation on subjects related to the course.

2. Lectures

All course lecture and notes

2.1. Lectures

Notes 1:

Notes 2:

Notes 3:

2.2. Ch13: Sinusoidal Alternating Waveforms